C.F.W. Walther (1811 - 1887) began publishing Der Lutheraner in September of 1844, which was some five years after the Saxons settled in America and about three years before his church body, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod was formed. I am pleased to have come into possession of the first 90 volumes of Der Lutheraner from Germany, of all places, and have been thrilled to read the first volumes and to begin translating the same. After having issued the first two years of translations, and sending them out bi-weekly, though not polished, to our subscribers, I labored feverishly to get the third year (the year of Synod's formation) done in time for the 125th anniversary of Walther's death.

The first three years of der Lutheraner are thus available to you in a bound form. Please click the link just below to purchase this chronicle of the formation of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod:

Click here to purchase the_bound volume of Der Lutheraner

  I have finished issuing newsletters for translations of Der Lutheraner, having completed year 4 in 2015. So thank you for your interest. I will eventually clean up the fourth year into a final translation and publish it, adding it to the MarK V Publications catalog and contributing it to our LCMS seminaries. In the meantime, please find below downloadable access to the year four DL issues all in one pdf file:

       Year 4 DL Link


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